Sprout UI home page


A tooltip is a component that shows brief information when users interact with an associated trigger element.


To use the tooltip component, you’ll have to import Floating and Tooltip modules in your assets/app.js.

import { createSproutConfig, Floating, Tooltip } from "sprout-ui";

const { initComponents, handleDomChange } = createSproutConfig({
  components: [Floating(), Tooltip()],


<sp-tooltip data-state="open | closed">
  <div data-part="trigger"></div>
  <div data-part="container">
    <div data-part="arrow"></div>
  • trigger: the trigger for the tooltip
  • container: the container for the tooltip content
  • arrow: optional arrow for the tooltip container

Under the hood, all the slot contents are rendered inside a sp-tooltip custom element.

Be cautious that the container must be a div tag because internally it is actually a customized builtin element.


Attribute Type Description
placement :string Default placement for the tooltip, default to "top"
offset :integer The offset between the tooltip and the trigger
open_delay :integer Delay in milliseconds before showing the tooltip
close_delay :integer Delay in milliseconds before hiding the tooltip
on_open JS JS commands executed when the tooltip is showing
on_close JS JS commands executed when the tooltip is hiding
rest :global Global attributes to be passed to the sp-tooltip element


API Description
trigger_attrs Attributes to be passed to the trigger part
container_attrs Attributes to be passed to the container part
arrow_attrs Attributes to be passed to the arrow part


The container element can have transitions when the tooltip is showing or hiding. Check out the guide on Transition.


When a tooltip is active, press Escape will dismiss the tooltip. The tooltip will show up when the trigger element receives focus and will dismiss when the trigger loses focus.